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College Student
(Only Public Reviews)

A very generous
review that can
no longer be seen on Facebook, by
my student Emmanuelle Gomezan
Dale brings his numerous years of vast
experience and knowledge of art and
animation into the classroom to help
aid in his teaching. Dale is able to explain
concepts and ideas repeatedly till you
understand it and has the most patience
I have come across in any instructor in
my last 22 years of schooling. Dale
exceeds your expectations with the
attention he provides to all his students
whether it is to answer questions, repeat
concepts, or even talk about stuff outside
the classroom. I looked forward to every
class and every class had me looking
forward to the next one - especially to
learn something new and different but,
most of all, to learn it from an extremely
patient and extremely knowledgeable yet
I liked everything about the program.
Ever since the first moment I met Dale to
the last class I have had with him, it has
been nothing but a combination of fun
and interesting conversations with a
whole lot of teaching of perspective
drawings in the most comprehensible
ways possible. Each class was a better
experience than the previous one. The
class helped me make numerous
drawings and changes to already existing
ones to enhance them and express my
knowledge in perspective drawings.
I had very little to almost no training in
perspective drawing. And my art training
was just high-school art classes and
nothing else. Prior to taking Dale's
perspective drawing classes I had an
Architectural Drafting Certificate, yet had
no knowledge about perspective drawing.
In my 3 years of schooling, I never
received the appropriate training needed
to create perspective artwork. Through
Dale's class I have been able to make a
successful portfolio that impressed the
portfolio committee for a school I had
applied to in Australia. I eventually got in
and in 3 years time, I will be a proud
graduate of a Masters of Architecture
program from a prestigious university all
thanks to perspective drawing classes I
took from a person named
Dale Desrochers. E.
Gomezan |
2005-2025 www.DrawingInPerspective.com |